Item: Fred is recuperating nicely from wrist surgery.
K7DCG/Dennis: (Happy Birthday,
Dennis 10/4) wx sunny temp 76 high 89 lo 56
AD4UB/Gene: Daytona Beach sunny
temp 84 water temp 83 x wind N at 5 mph seas 3 to 5 ft at 8
second intervals x press 29.89 humidity 71% rip tide danger
moderate x thunderstorms later
K5WNU/Jack: sunny temp 77 wind SE
at 6 mph
K7NMO/Pat: today sunny 36F
humidity 93% both dogs ok
AB4PP/JP: wx sunny 71F clear skies
safe from flooding roads now here clear x western part of NC
a disaster
K4NMA/Dave: Hr wx Florida sunny es
humid temp 84F x watching tropical storm Leslie moving our
way now
KR4X/Larry: Tampa wx temp 86F
cloudy x no damage from storm es all okay now
W6KFS/Paul: Coast 59F gg to 71
KE7A/Dick: Capt Pepper sends
regards. Went to State Fair of Texas yesterday good time wx
temp 77F clear
K7LF/Fred: Seems to be doing okay
K7SXN/Smokey: Obs 71F clr skies 0
oktas QNH 29.96 QAN 3 from SSW humidity 79% fcst 99 today
Amver play with new r/c sailboat Medico nil
AL7V/Sam: temp 80F wind 12 mph
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